
What is DHEA Deficiency?

DHEA deficiency tends to occur as you age. DHEA use is recommended for the elderly and/or individuals who experience fatigue due to illnesses caused by a stressed immune system.

How to Recognize a DHEA deficiency

    Individuals with DHEA deficiency often experience:

  • Decreased sex drive
  • Dry eyes, skin, and hair
  • Depression
  • Unsettled mood
  • Memory loss
  • Decline in muscle mass
  • Painful joints
  • Elevated stress levels
  • Chronic fatigue

What are adequate DHEA levels in the blood and urine?

The level of DHEA should be measured as well as that of DHEA sulfate (SDHEA). Blood DHEA: In women, a DHEA level under 200 mcg/dl (micrograms/decilitres) and 150 mcg/dl indicates a deficiency. Studies have shown that in men over 50, DHEA levels below 120 mcg/dl are correlated to a two- or threefold increase in mortality and risk of cardiovascular disease.

When testing urine after 24 hours: DHEA levels below 0.10 ng/24 hours in women and below 0.50 ng in men may indicate a deficiency.

How much DHEA should I use?

The recommended dose is 25 to 50 mg a day for women, and 50 to 75 mg a day for men. Specialists recommend an initial dose of 25 mg per day, together with a blood test after two or three weeks to check the blood DHEA level, is the best way to determine the proper dosage. Men are also advised to check their PSA level, an indicator of prostate disorder.

Always ask for your physician’s advice before starting to use DHEA, and never prolong the treatment without first consulting your physician.

Should I consult a physician before starting to use DHEA?

DHEA is a safe and effective supplement that can benefit your overall health and well-being. However, it is recommended to consult your physician before you begin using any supplement.